February 9, 2018

Teach the importance of worship to your kids- a Key for Mental Peace

Now we  are living in a world where all are busy in competing someone else. Parents are busy in teaching their kids all shots of things that are required for their better future, required for competing the complex world. But in between this we parents forgot to teach our kids how to gain mental peace.

We live in a hurry-up world — and so do our children. How can we, as families, slow down, connect with each other and ourselves, and enjoy the present moment.

  • Mantras are one of the best way through which we can give some mental peace to your little one and secure his/her future.
  • Mantras produces a set of vibration in the surrounding and improve the concentration level.
  • The sounds in a mantras generate unusual mystic powder.
  • Mantras bring out all the positive energy inside us.

Some important articles must have a look

21 General Knowledge Questions for 3 year kids.

Involve kids in kitchen this vacation by Fireless Cooking-Here is the interesting recipes

Herbal milk at your home – uncountable benefits(best drink before and after bed)

There are huge benefits for children if they practice some special mantras like:-

  1.  Chanting “om”
  2.  “Gayatri mantra”
  3.  “Saraswati mantra”
  4.  Bed time mantra etc.. These are some basic mantra everyone must know.
  5. I am not writing the mantra’s, just listen it from my 5 year old daughter’s. I taught her all these mantra in her bed time. kids enjoys her mother company while getting in to bed, so I make this bed time a quality time by chanting all these mantra’s  in-front of her. Within few days she started chanting all these mantra’s with me. Wow that was an awesome feeling when my little one started chanting all these precious mantras in front of God.



  • No one is better or more qualified to spiritually train children than their parents.
  • Children need to see their parents participate in worship and experience worship with them.
  • Children are the future and it is of paramount importance that they know and practice saying Omkara mantra.
  • Chanting in particular can quiet their minds and remind them of who they really are — spiritual beings.

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Fames amet, amet elit nulla tellus, arcu.

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